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Informationen zum:
Kongress »Ethics in Organ Transplantation« (2002).
Information zu Janet Radcliffe-Richards:
Philosopher, Reader in Bioethics,
University College London
Author of Human Nature After Darwin, Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Ltd; ISBN: 0415212448
- BBC Radio, 30.11.2002: The Body as a Moral Battleground by Janet Radcliffe Richards.
- BBC News, 30.08.2002: Why not allow organ trading?
- CBC Radio: The Organ Trade: Should the sale of kidneys be legalized? Broadcast June 8, 2001
- JACQUIE CHARLTON: Their pound of flesh. Kidney-commerce philosopher Janet Radcliffe-Richards says the Earth's poor should be allowed to trade organs for food. The Montreal Mirror, July 23, 1998:
- PDF-Artikel: Organ donation and kidney sales. THE LANCET Vol 352 August 8, 1998
- Radcliffe, Richards, et al. "The Case for Allowing Kidney Sales" in the Lancet, Vol 352, 1998, pp 1950-52. Wenn Sie sich registrieren lassen, können Sie sich den Artikel beim Lancet kopieren.
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Weitergehende Informationen zum Organhandel und zur Lebendorganspende:
Verantwortlich für die Zusammenstellung der Informationen: Roberto Rotondo.